This pillar of activity aims to offer social support to beneficiaries and to increase knowledge about their rights as well as access to available services. This assistance will be provided in pre-established good-neighbor clubs, facilities of local partners as well as in other public facilities (primary schools, centers of culture, etc.).
Inclusive workshops will primarily be conducted by the so-called inclusive teams consisting of social mediators, pedagogical assistants, psychologists, teachers, educators, professionals working with children/teenagers, etc.
The impressive result of the previous project is more than 900 workshops for more than 1,900 children in Novi Pazar, Tutin and Sjenica.
We will improve the organizational aspects of training for starting your own business and improve information due to the different needs and knowledge levels of candidates, we will pay special attention to strengthening the mentoring process. Attention will be devoted to informing beneficiaries about the programs of the National Employment Service. As for the recommendations for additional qualifications and requalification, separate public calls for the allocation of support in the form of equipment and calls for attending professional trainings will be organized.
Institutional support will have three pillars of support:
- Support for existing and opening of new good-neighbor clubs. The clubs will further strengthen the capacity of local structures to access and provide social services to the most vulnerable groups.
- Training for providing social services, mentoring and experience exchange visits
- Support for community social initiatives

10 self-employment contracts and 8 contracts for employers awarded – Pirot
In Pirot, self-employment contracts were awarded to 10 beneficiaries of the "Reintegrate II – further support for the sustainable (re)integration of returnees in Serbia" project. Additionally, contracts were awarded to 8 employers who will hire 9 beneficiaries of the...
10 new small businesses launched in Novi Pazar – Reintegrate II
A ceremony was held in Novi Pazar for the distribution of contracts to an additional 10 beneficiaries of the Reintegrate II project, who will be launching their own businesses in the coming period. In addition to grants, the beneficiaries received mentoring support...
Inclusive workshops at the Good-neighbor club in Pirot
The Good-neighbor club in Pirot has become a key gathering place and support center for returnees and vulnerable local populations throughout the "Reintegration II" project. Through various workshops and activities organized regularly, the club has stood out as an...
10 small businesses were supported through the “Reintegrate II” project in Kruševac
In Kruševac, grant agreements for starting their own businesses were awarded to 10 beneficiaries of the "Reintegration II" project, and contracts were signed with five employers who will hire 12 unemployed project beneficiaries. The value of individual grants is up to...
Irregular migration – how to stay safe and informed
What is irregular migration? Irregular migration occurs when people cross borders without proper authorization or the required documentation, such as passports or visas. This means they enter or stay in a country in ways that are not legal according to that country’s...





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